
Spaghetti Junction

Here's a double page spread i did recently for Spaghetti Junction magazine

Personality Test

Maybe i should be more Conscientious... Cheers Rob. 


Why am i a Designer?

Found this today, how fitting. Maybe not the kerning bit!


The Styrobot is made up from waste packaging collected over 5 years.


Little White Lies

Picked this little mini-mag from Created in birmingham last week. Shame it won't be open much longer.


Album Cover Idea

pretty rough ideas at the moment but this design looks good printed glossy.

Branding Michael Valentine West

I haven't put much print on here for a while and have been getting carried away and distracted by video.
.. heres a concept mock for a print piece to represent michael valentine west ( twiggy and the k mesons ) as a brand. 

Bjork - Hyperballad.. More projection.. and mountains!

Video Projection in TV ad's

Army Jobs TV ad

Love this stop frame animation, especially when the projector comes in.. its a similar way of working to an idea i've had for a while.


Why Music Matters - Sigur Ros

such a simple animation nicely done..

Bird Box alarm clock


Christopher Doyle / identity Guidelines

 Sydney-based designer Chris Doyle has obviously done too many large identity projects recently - he decided to create a set of guidelines for himself as he began wondering ‘how my personal identity would be documented if it were considered in graphic design terms’.
Download the PDF  Here