

Noah and the whale

Tribute to Tenzing


Typographic Horizons - Get Your 3D specs out!

The Final poster.

The Brief was to create a piece of work to be exhibited at the typographic horizons festival held in Birmingham. The work had to highlight the whereabouts of women within typography, as it is a pro-dominantly male orientated area of work. I worked within a collaboration for this project. We wanted to reference the 1950s film posters and how they showed how venerable women were depicted. Get your 3D specs on, ( Red & Cyan ) let me know what you think.



Twiggy & The K Messons

1 Day Brief.

Twiggy and The k Messons is a Birmingham based group who are looking to broaden their horizons in terms of " the Visual spectacle " I had a few ideas for this, but the best one came in the form of creating an App for the group. The App would fit the style and sound of the way he likes to perform in his videos and work well as promotion and raise the profile of his music.
I am currently working on learning the process of creating an Application for an iphone or ipod touch.



i'll be supporting Movember! ...or tyring - I love the idea of bumping into someone in the street and recognising that they are supporting the charity too, or even just admiring an amazing moustache.



I am part of a creative group set up by a group of
students in our 2nd year of university called GASH.
GASH is a collaborative group of thinkers, designers, crafters and illustrators, joined together by our passion for all things creative.What we produce is a broad range of designs to suit all tastes from the decorative and pleasing to the eye, to the shocking and controversial. Our intention is for you to remember us. We currently have an exhibition of work in Urban Outfitters, Birmingham - which will be there for the month. Enjoy!

For information on our latest projects


E4 estings Competition

Idea and Brief
1st Storyboard

2nd Storyboard

Final Esting, let me know what you think.

The idea behind this is that E4 like to renown themselves as a bit quirky, and so where else are you going to see purple fruit fall out the sky but on E4. I created it on flash but could have made it alot smoother for a polished result.



Photoshop experiments...


Edgebaston Resevoir


Been working alongside a group from fashion management to design their flyers and e-flyers for their TOY BOX event at selfridges.



Is everything as it apears? I'm not really a fan of conceptual art - however I created this piece to visually show what we take at face value isn't always as it seems.


No Buisness Today

This is a photomontage from a holiday last year in Devon.
Even fairgrounds are feeling the crunch.


First Blog !

I thought i was pretty savvy when it came to new technologies, but i guess that's comparing myself to my grandma. I can see how blogging can be a useful tool of communication. As a visual communication student at BIAD in Birmingham i will use my blog to share my own work and things that interest me.

First thing to show is this massive print i saw whilst in Waterford ( Ireland ) last week. it didn't have any purpose and didn't advertise anything but made what was a huge dump of an old factory alot nicer to look at.